Fit not Fatigue

Get your energy back and enjoy everyday life. This programme will help you to alleviate physical and psychological symptoms of fatigue and enhance your well-being. The interdisciplinary therapy concept focuses on identifying metabolic substances responsible for fatigue as well as our body’s mitochondria. Thanks to an IHHT (cell training) series, we can rejuvenate tissue and increase performance. Invigorating infusions, detoxifying liver wraps and vitalising massages round off the range of treatments in this programme.

We recommend the Fit not Fatigue programme for people affected by persistent fatigue, difficulty performing daily tasks, concentration problems and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Included services

  • Initial examination – holistic health check (30 mins)
  • 1 medical examination – manual abdominal treatment (20 mins)
  • Final examination (30 mins)
  • 1 CFS urinalysis
  • 4 IHHT (cell training sessions) (50 mins each)
  • 3 intravenous drips with fortifying infusion
  • 1 diagnostic physiotherapy session / breathing therapy (50 mins)
  • 2 exercise therapy/personal training sessions (25 mins each)
  • 3 full body massages (50 mins each)
  • 3 detox compresses with beeswax
  • Basic services
Always included in our programmes
  • Basic services
  • Daily Kneipp treatments (leg, arm or seated contrast baths)
  • Personal Modern Mayr cuisine diet plan
  • Mineral water, herbal tea and base broth
  • Group exercise sessions, active and passive anti-stress exercises (relaxation), lifestyle management and mental coaching
  • Lectures & presentations
  • Use of swimming pool, sauna and panoramic gym
Want to know more about our programmes? Get in touch!

Our reception team will be happy to provide all the information you want. Simply send a mail or give us a call.