Feldenkrais® Week

Improve your mobility and coordination skills: relieves back pain, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, migraines and stress.

Feldenkrais® Week

16 to 23 June 2024

During this week, you will learn about your habitual movement patterns and discover relieving and pain-free ways of moving, guided by a Feldenkrais® coach. You will experience a new feeling of lightness thanks to the gained awareness of movement patterns, combined with Modern Mayr Medicine.

Included services

  • Initial examination – holistic health check (30 mins)
  • 1 medical examination – manual abdominal treatment (20 mins)
  • Final examination (30 mins)
  • 5 Feldenkrais® group classes (60 mins each)
  • 1 one-to-one Feldenkrais® lesson (50 mins)
  • 3 full body massages (50 mins each)
  • 3 detox compresses with beeswax (25 mins each)
  • Basic services
Always included in our programmes
  • Basic services
  • Daily Kneipp treatments (leg, arm or seated contrast baths)
  • Personal Modern Mayr cuisine diet plan
  • Mineral water, herbal tea and base broth
  • Group exercise sessions, active and passive anti-stress exercises (relaxation), lifestyle management and mental coaching
  • Lectures & presentations
  • Use of swimming pool, sauna and panoramic gym
Want to know more about our programmes? Get in touch!

Our reception team will be happy to provide all the information you want. Simply send a mail or give us a call.