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Igniting the Turbo: Vitamin D Deficiency and Modern Mayr Medicine

Dr. med. mag. Phil. Richard Kogelnig
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A Closer Look at Vitamin D Deficiency

The international scientific community agrees that there is a close connection between vitamin D deficiency and many diseases. Nevertheless, the significance of this vitamin, which is often referred to as a hormone, is still underestimated.

The Deputy Medical Director of Park Igls, Dr Richard Kogelnig, is convinced of the healing potential of vitamin D3, especially in connection with Modern Mayr Medicine. He was interviewed by Dr Kurt Luger from the University of Salzburg.

Dr Kogelnig: The fast-paced lifestyle of modern society—characterized by work and leisure stress, insufficient time spent in nature, and late, often heavy evening meals—plays a key role in the health challenges we see today. Many of our guests at Park Igls come to us precisely because they want to break free from this rhythm. When schedules are too packed, there is simply too little time for outdoor exercise, which often leads to a vitamin D deficiency. About 80% of our daily vitamin D requirement is absorbed through the skin via sunlight, with the remaining portion coming from food.

If there is an undersupply, this deficiency can drastically weaken the body's immune defenses. Performance levels drop, we become more susceptible to infections, and even minor viruses can have a significant impact. Just imagine: according to a recent study, by the end of winter, up to 60% of adults have a significant vitamin D deficiency! This is not only true for Germany but applies to all countries north of Rome, as insufficient sunlight exposure prevents adequate vitamin D production in the skin.

Dr Kogelnig: We have incorporated vitamin D testing into our preventive medicine program and use a blood test to determine whether a deficiency is present. If this is the case, we recommend supplementation for a specific period. This can be done through drops or capsules but should always be carried out under medical supervision.

What is remarkable is the relatively rapid effect—we have seen this time and again: after just a few weeks, sometimes even days, people feel significantly better, their fatigue or weakness diminishes, and their mobility improves. It is important to note that we are talking about otherwise healthy individuals, not patients suffering from bone diseases such as osteoporosis. This condition is typically associated with vitamin D deficiency combined with an insufficient supply of calcium.

Dr Kogelnig: Vitamin D is extremely important for self-healing and the immune system. A healthy immune system recognizes abnormal cells and eliminates them—this not only minimizes the risk of cancer but has many other benefits as well. Maintaining a normal vitamin D balance is the best form of preventive medicine, a cost-effective public health strategy. Through controlled supplementation, we achieve highly positive effects.

Here’s an example: When the gastrointestinal tract is functioning properly, there are no absorption issues, and vitamins and trace elements are effectively taken up by the body. However, if this absorption is disrupted by fermentation and putrefactive processes, it leads to inflammatory conditions. Chronic inflammation contributes to deficiency states and has a highly negative impact on the immune system.

This is precisely where Modern Mayr Medicine excels—by restoring order to the system through detoxification! Detoxification initiates a cleansing process, allowing the gastric mucosa to regenerate and regain its natural protective barrier against toxins. Light exercise and movement further support this purification process.

Dr Kogelnig: Exactly. Detoxification in combination with vitamin D supplementation significantly improves well-being—regeneration gets a real boost! We have focused on vitamin D because so many people suffer from a deficiency, something we witness every day. This vitamin acts as a messenger substance in a wide range of biological processes.

For example, if the receptors on nerve cells and muscles are not sufficiently stimulated, problems arise. These effects are often subtle at first but can suddenly become noticeable. Some studies even suggest that vitamin D supplementation has positive effects on male sexual dysfunction, as testosterone deficiency and vitamin D deficiency are closely linked. This makes it an important factor in men’s health as well.

Dr Kogelnig: At Park Igls, we conduct detoxification at a conventional medical level. The Modern Mayr diet does not involve starvation but rather gentle fasting. Guests receive sufficient calories to prevent muscle protein breakdown, which is crucial for tissue regeneration. As a result, they no longer feel weak and are more inclined to engage in physical activity. This, in turn, enhances detoxification and has been proven to primarily reduce body fat—which is exactly what we aim for.

It is remarkable how this approach benefits individuals with high blood pressure—many find that after cleansing their gastrointestinal tract, they can reduce or even eliminate their medication. They also experience aesthetic changes in their body shape! Achieving this requires discipline and mental strength, but the reward is a profound sense of well-being. The liver benefits greatly as well, particularly through “dinner cancelling”, which significantly relieves its burden. Having the main meal in the evening is simply not ideal.

Once people understand how all these factors interconnect—how crucial proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are—putting this knowledge into practice becomes a natural step. Guiding our guests onto this right path is one of our key responsibilities as an innovative health retreat.

We are happy to support you on this journey!

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Detox Classic

Time out for your health!

Detox Intensive

Ideal for anyone aiming for optimal health benefits on as broad a basis as possible.

Physio Fit

Focus on relieving back and joint pain so that you can live a healthy and pain-free life.

Neuro Fit

This specialised programme helps for degenerative diseases of the nervous system such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.


This programme promotes regeneration, allowing you to experience a new level of wellbeing.

Detox Medical Check

This medical check gives you the opportunity to complete a series of comprehensive and important preventative examinations using state-of-the-art…

Detox Short Break

Time for a well-deserved time-out! This short break is the ideal way to get away from it all and relax mind, body and soul.

Meno Chance

Love your age – experience your body, mind and soul as a hormonious whole, discover your second Spring with joy and have time for…

Fit not Fatigue

Get your energy back and enjoy everyday life.

Immune Booster

We recommend this programme for people affected by increased susceptibility to infections.

Easter at Park Igls

13.04. - 20.04.2025
1 week from 13 to 20 April 2025

Feldenkrais® Week

18.05. - 25.05.2025
Improve your mobility and coordination skills: relieves back pain, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, migraines and stress.

Active Summer Weeks

29.06. - 13.07.2025
Combine your passion for sport with our expertise for health

For more information and insights on Modern Mayr Medicine and its positive effects on your health, visit our website.

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About the author

Dr. med. Mag. phil. Richard Kogelnig

The deputy head physician at Park Igls Medical Spa Resort is a committed Mayr doctor and general practitioner with additional training in neural therapy, manual medicine and acupuncture.

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